Don’t Stress Over Your Cubicle Office – Get Organized and Enjoy More Freedom
Many of us have cubicle offices that can be limiting, but it’s not your fault. We’ve been lead to believe the better you are, the more comfortable you’ll be in a cubicle and the less space you’ll have to do other things.
But don’t think your cubicle office is the only problem. You have a cluttered desk as well. It’s impossible to get things straight and clutter does not lend itself to organization. Why should you stress over your cubicle office, you might ask?
Well, think about this: if you’re not organized, your job will suffer because you will waste time looking for files or mumbling. You’ll also be hurting your productivity because it takes time to read papers and documents to find something. Finally, you will give up a lot when you’re stressed about your cubicle office.
So, how can you help yourself? Here are some tips.
O Create a task list. Set up a computer file that lists tasks that need to be done on a daily basis. This way, you know exactly what needs to be done and there’s no confusion or guesswork.
O Go out. There are plenty of activities you can do to improve your creativity. Go out and try new foods, dance, listen to music, walk your dog, paint, take a walk, learn to ski, skateboard, play a sport, or anything else you think you can do that will improve your life.
O Go to the library. You might not realize it but there are tons of books available to you at the library and you can take advantage of the many free courses offered.
O Find a quiet place to read. Try listening to your favorite CD or take a break and listen to some of your favorite books. That’s right, reading has tremendous benefits for our mind and body.